Studies en thesissen

Studies en thesissen

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Analyzing and predicting SNCB’s train delays using open data ( Meester de Ravestein, T.Geerkens, UCL)


Lokale Open Data Economie (Steden Gent en Brugge)

Unleashing the potential: How Flemish municipalities encourage open government data (re)use (J.Vandenbossche, UGent)

Het voorspellen hoe druk een deel van de stad is met Open Data (H.Roelants, UGent)

Linked data event streams as an open data interface for live data consumption in integrated services (B.Van de Vyvere, UGent)


Het gebruik van Open Data binnen de Vlaamse overheid en Vlaamse lokale besturen (A.Beyens, KULeuven)

Convert a substantial part of the information in several tables of Trismegistos to a LOD structure (M.Amer, KULeuven)

Les représentations de l’open data des entrepreneurs de bureaucratie en Belgique francophone (A.Cochinaux, UCL)

Zenodo and open data (F.Puche, UCL)

AI for analyzing open-data related to the COVID-19 pandemic (M.Feys, A.Lambert, UCL)


Prediction of the number of new coronavirus-related hospitalizations based on open source data (M.Gérard, A.Delecluse, Augustin, UCL)

Mapping the Views of Leuven: Exploring collections as data and creative reuse of digitized cultural heritage (A.Bearly, KULeuven)

Structured linked data in performing arts: Reusing linked metadata to increase visibility of performing arts (Y.Choi, KULeuven)

Challenges and enablers in using open government reference data in a data-driven public sector (M.C.Bodino, KULeuven)

Structured Data for Performing Arts: a Critical Analysis of Open Data and Audience Engagement (F.Naghshvarian, KULeuven)

A Digital Collaborative Game to Facilitate Learning about Open Data (D.Di Staso, KULeuven)

2017 - 2021

InterReg Smart Cities Innovation Framework Implementation / open data and procurement


Digital Heritage Collections as Open Data (M.Verna, KULeuven)

A New Method for Determining Traffic Demand Using Open Data (H.M.Griffiths, KULeuven)

Machine Learning Intersections from Open Data (M.Feys, KULeuven)

Een routeplanner op basis van Open Data (T.Neuser, UGent)

#Letstechtogether: sharing is caring (Agoria)

Comparing a polling and push-based approach for live Open Data interfaces (B.Van de Vyvere, P.Colpaert, R.Verborgh, UGent / IMEC)

Geospatial Partitioning of Open Transit Data (H.Delva, J.A.Rojas, P-J.Vandenberghe, P.Colpaert, R.Verborgh, UGent)


Open Practices and Resources for Collaborative Digital Pathology (R.Marée, ULiège)

The open data situation in the Brussels-capital region: a multi-sectoral approach (G.Scornos, VUB)

Hydraulisch modelleren ten behoeve van data-arme gebieden op basis van open source data en software (L.Janssens, UGent)

Techno-economisch onderzoek naar een ecosysteem voor het publiceren van open data voor drukte in de stad (R.Meul, UGent)

Requirement analyse voor de Databroker - Smart City Linked Open Data Platform (A.Verhaeghe, UGent) 

Dissertation and software implementation of Contraction Hierarchies for Routable Tiles (T.Vanhee, UGent)

Requirement analysis of time series in an Open Data ecosystem in Flanders (D.Van Lancker, UGent)

Publishing real-time public transport data (D.Van Assche, KULeuven)


Smart City, Le Guide Pratique - Tome 2 (C.Nguyen, H.Bleus, J.Van Bockhaven, N.Crutzen, C.Basile, HEC Liège)

The user perceived performance of route planning APIs (B.Marcelis, UGent)

Smart Cities-whitepaper: "Data, de bouwstenen voor de steden en gemeenten van de toekomst" (Agoria)

What is the effectiveness of Open Data Governance mechanisms on the quality of Open Datasets (Y.Vanderbeken, Antwerp Management School)

Metadata and Control Features for Low-Cost Linked Data Publishing Infrastructures (M.Vander Sande, UGent)

Linked Open Data (Thomas Moore)


Exploring semantic relationships in the web of data (L.De Vocht, UGent)

Etat des lieux et opportunité d'ouverture des données au Centre Hospitalier de Wallonie Picarde (C.Tricquet, CHwapi)

La politique d'Open Data en Belgique: un jeu complexe entre formulations internationales et réappropriations régionales et fédérales (P.Dumont, UCL Mons)

Publishing Transport Data for Maximum Reuse (P.Colpaert, UGent)

Open Transport Data for maximising reuse in multimodal route planners: a study in Flanders (P.Colpaert, M.Van Compernolle, N.Walravens et al, UGent / VUB / IMec) 


Why Geospatial Linked Open Data for Smart Mobility ? (A.Dangol, V.Dewaelheyns, T.Steenberghen, KULeuven)

Open Data en Communicatie (T.Bellefroid, W.Boone, A.De Boever, Y.Deroubaix, PJ.Heirbaut, E.Huyghe, N.Meulemans, C.Van Hoecke, UGent)

Wat is de impact van open data op de mobiliteit en huisvesting van een stad ? (M.van Haute, Howest)

Kan open data het mobiliteitsprobleem oplossen ? (J.Corteville, Howest)

The Belgian open data ecosystem and innovation through open data (F.Barthélemy, Louvain School of Management)

"Les villes intelligentes" : L’open data contribue-t-il à leur développement ? (A.Galoul, Louvain School of Management)

The Impact of an Extra Feature on the Scalability of Linked Connections (P.Colpaert, S.Ballieu, R.Verborgh en E.Mannens, UGent)

What Public Transit API Logs Tell Us about Travel Flows (P.Colpaert, A.Chua, R.Verborgh, E.Mannens, R.Van de Walle, A.Vande Moere, KULeuven / UGent)

Open Transport Data as an enabler for Multimodal Route Planning (P.Colpaert, M.Van Compernolle, N.Walravens, R.Verborgh et al, UGent)

Continuously Updating Query Results over Real-Time Linked Data (R.Taelman, R.Verborgh, P.Colpaert, E.Mannens en R.Van de Walle, UGent)


A visual exploration workflow as enabler for the exploitation of Linked Open Data (L.De Vocht, A.Dimou, J.Breuer, M.Van Compernolle, R.Verborgh et al, UGent)

Een routeplanningssysteem voor openbaar vervoer dat gebruik maakt van Linked Open Data (N.De Clercq, UGent)

From Information Extraction to Knowledge Discovery: Semantic Enrichment of Multilingual Content with Linked Open Data (M.De Wilde, ULB)