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This SERENA dataset (100 m resolution) of soil orgnanic carbon concentration (0-20 cm soil layer) for Flanders was mainly produced to test the methodology of the SERENA SOC loss cookbook of the European SERENA EJP SOIL project. The data was prepared according to the methodology of SERENA SOC loss cookbook. The objective of SERENA project was to develop methods to calculate and map soil-based ecosystem services and soil threats. Soil organic carbon concentration was used as an indicator for soil organic carbon loss (ST). The map was based on digital soil mapping according to the method used in the EJP SOIL project WP6: Digital soil mapping approach with random forest using ISRIC workflow seedling. To create the soil organic carbon concentration map, we used soil organic carbon data of the regional soil organic carbon monitoring network Cmon in Flanders (0-10 and 10-30 cm soil layer). The soil organic carbon concentration of the 0-20 cm was derived from the 0-10 and 10-30 cm data. The following auxiliary data was used: Digitale bodemkaart van het Vlaams Gewest: bodemtypes; Regional climate data; Landgebruik - Vlaanderen - toestand 2022; Tertiair geologische kaart (1/50.000); Bodembedekkingskaart (BBK), 1m resolutie, opname 2021; WRB Soil Units 40k: Bodemkaart van het Vlaamse Gewest volgens het internationale bodemclassificatiesysteem World Reference Base op schaal 1:40.000; Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, DSM, raster, 1 m. The dataset will be mostly useful as a reference result for actors that want to learn to implement the part of the soil organic carbon loss cookbook of SERENA dealing with the creation of a SOC concentration map. It can have limited use as an interim SOC concentration map for Flanders until a better map becomes available using an optimised methodology and/or new data from the regional soil organic carbon monitoring network that was not yet available when this map was created.
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