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Prospographical dataset of a sample of authors of articles published in the Antiquity section of the "Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en (...)
The Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium is a species checklist dataset published by Ghent University. It contains (...)
An inventory was made of the alien macroinvertebrates occurring in Flanders. To this end large collections of biological samples were (...)
Florient - a database dealing with historic wild plant occurrences is an occurrence dataset published by Ghent University and the Belgian (...)
Monitoring data from Flemish rivers and channels. The data contains phytoplankton counts of Flemish lakes and pools. Water bodies were monthly (...)
Founded in 1817 the Zoology Museum aimed to assemble a scientific collection of preserved animals to illustrate the zoology courses given at the (...)
“Land and freshwater molluscs of Northern Spain” is an occurrence dataset containing 222 observations of 73 different taxa of land and freshwater (...)
Monitoring data from the Ecopot projects: Determining the maximal and good ecological potential, as well as the current state of Flemish regional (...)
The Ghent University Zoological museum holds a scientific collection of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens and a collection of anatomic (...)
The Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium is a species checklist dataset published by Ghent University. It contains (...)
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