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Social integration income is a minimum income for people who do not have sufficient resources, are not otherwise entitled to them, nor are they (...)
The Individualised Social Integration Project (PIIS) is a contract between a CPAS and a beneficiary of the Right to Social Integration (DIS). It (...)
The Individualised Social Integration Project (PIIS) is a contract between a CPAS and a beneficiary of the Right to Social Integration (DIS). It (...)
Equivalent social assistance (ESA) is in principle equivalent to social integration income. It is granted to asylum seekers and foreigners who (...)
Medical assistance (MA) covers all healthcare costs covered by the right to social assistance: medical expenses, pharmaceutical expenses whether (...)
The right to social assistance (DAS), reimbursed by the Federal State under the Act of 2 April 1965 on the assumption of responsibility for (...)
Beneficiaries of integration income who start working or who start or continue vocational training can benefit, for a total of 3 years over a (...)
Homeless people can benefit once in their lives from the installation premium. A person is considered homeless if he or she does not have his or (...)
These are persons who have been notified of a decision granting refugee status or subsidiary protection status:
Social integration income is a minimum income for people who do not have sufficient resources, are not otherwise entitled to them, nor are they (...)
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