Top10Vector is Belgium's series of topographic vector data. The data set contains 37 feature classes, which are divided into eight themes (road (...)

Top25Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:25 000. These images result from the symbolisation of the (...)

Numerical orthophotos (black and white) of Belgium. Recorded in 1995 - 1997 - 1998 on a flying scale 1/43000. The file is georeferenced in the (...)

Heights in 3D, derived from the photogrammetrically measured digital terrain model (DTM 1:10,000), interval 2.5 meters (Central Belgium) or 5 (...)

3D model (in development) of buildings and roads. This model is derived from the 3D line map and from the DTM 1:10,000 or from the DTM 1:50,000 (...)

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