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Top10Vector is Belgium's series of topographic vector data. The data set contains 37 feature classes, which are divided into eight themes (road (...)
Top25Map is a digital version of the NGI’s topographic cartography on a scale of 1:25 000. These images result from the symbolisation of the (...)
Numerical orthophotos (black and white) of Belgium. Recorded in 1995 - 1997 - 1998 on a flying scale 1/43000. The file is georeferenced in the (...)
This vector database (under construction) with topographical basic information has a topological structure and is divided into ten layers (...)
Heights in 3D, derived from the photogrammetrically measured digital terrain model (DTM 1:10,000), interval 2.5 meters (Central Belgium) or 5 (...)
DTM produced by the NGI, as a regular grid in the World Geodetic System (WGS) and available for Belgium. There are 2 versions of the file. This (...)
These grid products give us the cartographic data as a whole of pixels (elementary images). They are obtained by scanning the original film (...)
3D model (in development) of buildings and roads. This model is derived from the 3D line map and from the DTM 1:10,000 or from the DTM 1:50,000 (...)
Digital black and white orthophotos of Flanders and Brussels, aerial shot spread over 4 years with flight scale 1/53,000 in 1997 or 1/52,000 in (...)
The generalised database on a scale of 1:250,000 relates mainly to the traffic routes, hydrography, residential centres, land use and landscape (...)
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