Share your datasets and applications with the open data community
Dit is een script, geschreven om het taalgebruik van parlementsleden in specifieke debatten te analyseren, in het kader van mijn (...)
"Intego" stands for “integrated computerized network”. In 1990, the project started at the Department of General Practice of the KULeuven. The (...)
The Belgian Hernia database has as main objective the evaluation of short-term and long- term outcome of ventral hernia surgery in Belgian (...)
Laboratory testing is an important clinical act with a valuable role in screening, diagnosis, management and monitoring of diseases or therapies (...)
Dit onderzoeksproject kadert in een overheidsopdracht van de Vlaamse gemeenschap, vertegenwoordigd door de Vlaamse Regering, bij delegatie, in de (...)
Raw data (transcripts of in-depth interviews) from qualitative research study "From moral distress to resilient ethical climate among general (...)
Deze dataset geeft het aantal gezworen vertalers weer bij de Belgische Hoven van Beroep en Rechtbanken van eerste aanleg, tussen 1840 en 1914. De (...)
This dataset contains anonymized transcripts of interviews performed during a qualitative interview study with members of 16 research funding (...)
Various concerns have been documented in the literature over the sharing of data, including the lack of incentives for sharing. To address this (...)
This dataset combines surface water and sewer data to create a node-edge network suited to be used by the BEGOOD tracing engine. Where missing (...)
Share your datasets and applications with the open data community