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Monthly punctuality of Eurostar - London Route trains on the Infrabel network. From October 1st 2023, the Thalys brand will be replaced by the (...)
Monthly national punctuality during peak hours (morning and evening), off-peak hours and weekends. The punctuality metric gives the monthly (...)
Monthly punctuality of freight trains on Infrabel's network, with a maximum delay of either 30 minutes or 60 minutes upon arrival at their (...)
Monthly punctuality of IC relations upon arrival at their destination or - for the trains travelling through Brussel's North-South junction, upon (...)
The weighted metric take into account the amount of passengers on trains: the delay of a crowded train on peak hour weighs more than this of a (...)
Monthly proportion of passenger trains arriving with a maximum delay of 5 minutes and 59 seconds in each stopping point.
Monthly imputations of trains cancellations. Different entities play a role in trains cancellations. Amongst them, the rail infrastructure (...)
Monthly punctuality per train type (L, S, P, IC) and per moment of the day (peak hours, off-peak hours, weekend). The punctuality metric (...)
Raw data about arrival and departure of passenger trains (domestic and international) at their stopping points over a day and by train number (...)
The punctuality metric represents the proportion of trains that, over the course of a month, arrived with a maximum delay of 5 minutes and 59 (...)
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