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Deze dataset toont of nominal perronhoogten voor elk perronspoor op elke halte in het land. Nominal hoogten komen overeen met from theorische (...)
This dataset shows the platform nominal heights for each platform track for each stopping point in the country. The nominal heights correspond to (...)
The weighted metric take into account the amount of passengers on trains: the delay of a crowded train on peak hour weighs more than this of a (...)
Monthly punctuality of freight trains on Infrabel's network, with a maximum delay of either 30 minutes or 60 minutes upon arrival at their (...)
Monthly punctuality of TGV trains on Infrabel's network. A TGV train is considered punctual if it travels on the network with less than 6 minutes (...)
Monthly files of raw data about arrival and departure of passenger trains (domestic and international) at their stopping points, over a day and (...)
Monthly punctuality of IC relations upon arrival at their destination or - for the trains travelling through Brussel's North-South junction, upon (...)
Monthly account and proportion of cancelled trains A train can be cancelled either on a portion or on the entirety of its path. Until September (...)
Monthly data of successful connections in the 10 main stations : Antwerpen-Centraal, Brugge, Charleroi Sud, Gent-Sint-Pieters, Leuven, Liege (...)
Monthly punctuality of trains upon arrival in the first station of Brussel's North-South junction on their path, per moment of day (morning peak (...)
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