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Based on the abiotic site requirements of the ecotopes, for each ecotope a sensitivity is linked to environmental pressures of desiccation (...)
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory on the basis of a set of mapping units (...)
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory on the basis of a set of mapping units (...)
Watervlakken 2024 is a georeferenced digital file of standing surface waters in Flanders. It was constructed by combining existing topographic (...)
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory on the basis of a set of mapping units (...)
When drawing up a nature management plan, a nature project subsidy, or other similar instruments for the realization of the IHD (conservation (...)
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory on the basis of a set of mapping units (...)
This dataset aims to be a follow-up to the first demarcation of the ecodistricts, which was drawn up by the Institute for Nature Conservation and (...)
The Biological Valuation Map (BWK) is a uniform inventory and evaluation of the entire Flemish territory on the basis of a set of mapping units (...)
In a previous project, so-called potential habitat maps were made for a number of European and Flemish priority species (Maes et al., 2019). We (...)
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