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This report of provides information on the balancing energy available in Belgium.The quarter-hourly volume is provided for each product category (...)
Imbalance prices used for balance responsible parties (BRPs) settlement for every quarter hour. This report contains data for the current day and (...)
This report provides information on theprices of the balancing energy available in Belgium.The quarter-hourly volume is provided for each product (...)
Cumulative (from start of quarter hour to end of the specified minute) activated volumes to maintain a balance in Elia’s control area, as well as (...)
Cumulative (from start of quarter hour to end of the specified minute) activated volumes to maintain a balance in Elia’s control area, as well as (...)
The 1 min imbalance prices are published as fast as possible and give an indication for the final imbalance price of the ISP (imbalance (...)
Prices of the components used to calculate the imbalance price per minute. At the specified time, the most recent available data are collected (...)
This report of activated volumes provides information on the balancing energy activated in Belgium for Elia or other TSOs.The quarter-hourly (...)
This report provides information on the balancing energy available in Belgium.The quarter-hourly volume is provided for each product category (if (...)
Prices of the components used to calculate the imbalance price. At the specified time, the most recent available data are collected and displayed (...)
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