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This map shows the depth of the top of the first Neogene or Paleogene unit, with clay or silt as the main lithology, of the Geological 3D Model (...)
This raster layer of project H3O - De Voorkempen gives the height of the base (mTAW) of the model unit Clay sand from Kasterlee.
This raster layer of project H3O - De Voorkempen gives the height of the top (mTAW) of the model unit Undifferentiated sands of Poederlee and (...)
The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil (...)
This layer gives the isopachen of the Member of Grandglise of the Geological 3D model of Flanders - version 3.1. The Geological 3D model was (...)
Abstract/Description Based on the data ‘Water pollution levy’ (VMM) of the 2023 tax year, the layer ‘well water users in Flanders – 2023 tax year (...)
This layer indicates the height of the top (mTAW) of KI-k-3.
This map indicates for the territory of Flanders, where peat is probably expected at the surface and where peat is probably not expected at the (...)
This layer gives the isohypses of the basis of the Formation of Tienen, as defined in the Geological 3D model of the Flemish subsurface - version (...)
This layer gives the prevention limits of A0700, as defined in the Hydrogeological 3D model of the Flemish subsurface. The Hydrogeological 3D (...)
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