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Brussels-Capital Region: The sensitive area to eutrophication is a protected area against the pollution of surface waters caused by waste water (...)
Brussels-Capital Region: This service allows downloading the datasets (compliant with the data specifications of INSPIRE) from the INSPIRE theme (...)
Brussels-Capital Region : data on the 3 Surface Water Bodies of the Area of Brussels
Brussels-Capital Region: This service allows downloading the datasets (compliant with the data specifications of INSPIRE) from the INSPIRE theme (...)
Brussels-Capital Region: localization of the extraction wells for drinking water in Brussels
"Brussels agglomeration in the spirit of the directive 91/271/EEC" of the Brussels-Capital Region of Brussels Environment.
This WMS service allows to display Brussels Environment datasets that comply with INSPIRE data specifications relating to INSPIRE theme 'Human (...)
Brussels-Capital Region : location of Brussels drinking water catchment drainage gallery operated by VIVAQUA. Each section of the drainage (...)
This WMS service allows to display Brussels Environment datasets that comply with INSPIRE data specifications relating to INSPIRE theme (...)
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