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Bromine monoxide (BrO) total vertical columns retrieved from measurements by the S5p/TROPOMI instrument. The S5P-PAL data portal provides a daily (...)
The dataset contains raw data from 5 participating remote sensing instruments, namely: * Bruker IFS 125HR – operated by Finnish Meteorological (...)
Since 2022, the measurements of ground-based solar UV-VIS irradiance are performed at four sites in Belgium. The CSV resource contains the (...)
FTIR formaldehyde (HCHO) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the retrieval parameters are (...)
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number (...)
FTIR isoprene (C5H8) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the retrieval parameters are (...)
FTIR ethane (C2H6) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the FTIR C2H6 retrievals can be (...)
FTIR formic acid (HCOOH) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the FTIR retrieval technique (...)
FTIR hydrogen cyanide (HCN) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the FTIR retrieval (...)
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number (...)
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