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Speed regimes are parts of a numbered road with a uniform maximum speed. The speed regimes are linear representations of a (part of) the roads (...)
Trees are submeter-accurate point locations that represent each inventoried tree along the numbered roads. The numbered roads are in the (...)
If, because of its construction or because of an indivisible load, a vehicle is larger than that provided for in the regulation of technical (...)
Overview of intakes of the public road concerning a shipyard of which a department of AWV is the client.
The standard redirection dataset is a collection of short and long (calamities) redirection routes.- Calamities route (codes ANT-xxx, LIM-xxx (...)
Graphical representation of the traffic signs from the Traffic Signs.Flanders application as they are visible in the application. The road signs (...)
An area with buildings and whose access roads are indicated by the traffic signs F1a-b, and the exit roads with the traffic signs F3a-b (KB 1/12 (...)
Kaart van de autosnelwegzones op wegen gelegen in het Vlaams gewest.De basis van het wegenbestand waarop de autosnelwegzones zijn geprojecteerd (...)
Map of the derived speed regimes on roads located in the Flemish region.The basis of the road file on which the speed regimes are projected is (...)
If, because of its construction or because of an indivisible load, a vehicle is larger than that provided for in the regulation of technical (...)
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