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The Nature Target Plan (NRP) is an area-specific plan drawn up on the basis of the Nature Decree for areas in the Flemish Ecological Network, the (...)
This layer includes all valid management plans for forests and nature reserves in Flanders. These include limited and comprehensive forest (...)
The forest age map (1771 - 2001) combines the data from the following 4 maps:1. The Ferrari cards (drafted between 1771 and 1778)2. The maps of (...)
The GIS layer contains the historically permanent grasslands (HPG) in the Polders agricultural region, including their protection status, as (...)
The dataset 'Accessible zones and play zones in forests and nature reserves' provides an overview of all official play zones, freely accessible (...)
The Species Decree provides for the possibility of drawing up a species protection programme (SBP). Such a programme is drawn up in consultation (...)
For the definition of ecological targets in nature management plans, ‘nature targets’ are used. A nature target is a habitat, ecosystem or (...)
This GIS layer contains the perimeter of the study area that was demarcated to demarcate the Historical Permanent Grasslands (Polder Grasslands) (...)
This file shows the digital demarcations of protected areas designated and confirmed under the Dune Decree of 14 July 1993 (Belgian Official (...)
It is the first version of the search zones. These have been made available for information but are no longer in use in the context of the Natura (...)
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