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The Notification Building Block is a generic building block that informs the citizen or company about an action, change, file status... with a (...)
Report the termination or unsubscription of an ongoing file about a person. The notification is made at least by forwarding the INSZ of the (...)
The service ‘ModificationKSZPerson 2.0’ allows the customer to change a person in the registers of KSZ.
This web service allows the public institutions and various authorised organisations to consult the information relating to disability payments (...)
DOSIS is a generic building block that gives the citizen or company at any time a minimum status overview of his current files at a Flemish or (...)
By means of this web service, the information about a job seeker can be requested from the various employment services, namely the VDAB, FOREM (...)
The CheckAccess service enables a customer to check whether or not a vehicle is eligible for a fine under LEZ.
Through this web service, the user obtains the ownership status of a person or company. The ownership states contain data from AAPD and in the (...)
The PublishCancelled Enterprises 2.0 allows VKBO to publish the companies and branches cancelled at KBO in XML as well as in CSV format.Each (...)
Within the DOSIS project, the service DeleteDossier allows a recipient (a file manager) to delete a file from the DOSIS database. Of course, that (...)
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