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In order to measure the impact of its Open Data, Ores is interested in being kept informed of reuses that will be made of the data made available. Report name: Consumption by type of customer Level of aggregation: The dataset contains information aggregated by Energy (Electricity/Gas), Geographical area and residential/professional type Year of consumption: Year concerned Scope: Reporting of all access points with a connection that was contractually active 31 December of the year of consumption. Energy: Gas Frequency: Annual End date of the dataset: undefined Date of availability of the dataset: 30/10/N+1 Injection/sampling: Sampling (Consumption) Consumption : The amount of energy consumed (natural gas or electricity) measured by a device in an indoor installation. Electricity or natural gas may be collected and/or or injected into the distribution network through an access point. Sampling is the purchase of electricity and / or gas natural to the distribution network. Injection is the surplus energy produced by the user of the network who is not consumed for his own use, but who is re-injected into the distribution network. Geographical area: "The geographical areas correspond to the territories of the former inter-municipal before amalgamation. These are territorial subdivisions of ORES Assets comprising certain partners (affiliated municipalities and intermunicipal authorities) associated funding) by geographical area. The link below lists the municipalities affiliated to each sector." Locality: A locality is a territorial entity of indeterminate size or not, usually inhabited. A municipality usually corresponding to a city with villages surrounding areas, to several villages or to an important village surrounded by hamlets. The locality is the name given to these communal subdivisions. Number of access points: The point in the distribution system where electricity or gas is taken; or injected and identified by a single NAE. EAN: European Article Numbering. Unique identification code of an access point (point of supply). This code shall be communicated to the customer concerned by the DSO. Consumption (GWh): "Value calculated from the consumption related to the volume of energy withdrawn, then reduced to calendar year / calendar month. These approximate consumptions are calculated monthly. GWh: Gigawatt-hour symbol, unit of measurement energy, which corresponds to the power of one gigawatt active for one hour. " Type of customer/consumer Non-residential / professional clients = clients whose energy consumption is strictly for professional useResidential customers: client/user of the network of distribution of which most of the energy consumption is intended for domestic use"
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