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These data were researched and compiled by Tom Baudoux, the project manager of the Boisénergie en circuit-court project at the Viroin Hermeton Natural Park. This project aims to set up a local production chain of wood chips from sub-forestry products or bocagers that can supply existing or future plate boilers of public buildings. This project is supported by the Territorial Dynamics Swarming and the Fondation Chimay Wartoise. PCI, also called lower calorific value, is a characteristic of the energy released during the combustion of a substance. Unlike PCS, it does not include condensation of water vapour contained in fumes, its value being always smaller comparatively. Depending on the fuel, the index indicated refers to a mass or volume. For fuel oil, for example, the indication is in kilowatt hours per kilogram. These data are published as part of a Hackathon to develop a prototype web page to evaluate the CO2 and euro savings of such a project on the territory.
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