ARES - Repository of gateways and access conditions

Agence du Numérique

The repository of gateways and access conditions includes access to Master's and Bachelor's studies of specialization. A gateway allows the student who has successfully completed a short first cycle (professionalizing bachelor's degree) to access long second cycle studies (master's degree in high school or university) or bachelor's studies of specialization, possibly subject to the follow-up of additional credits. • Definition Bachelor’s degree: Academic degree that is obtained after passing undergraduate studies of at least 180 credits. The "professionalizing" bachelor allows to directly exercise a profession after having obtained it, while the "transitional" bachelor prepares for the next cycle (the master). Cycle: Studies leading to an academic degree. Higher education is organised in three cycles: the first cycle, which leads to the degree of bachelor the second cycle, which leads to the degree of master the third cycle, which leads to the degree of doctor Master: Academic grade of level 7 attesting to graduate studies of at least 60 credits and, if they pursue a particular purpose, of at least 120 credits. Gateway: Academic process admitting a student or a student pursuing studies in another course. Type: Characteristic of higher education linked to its professional purpose, pedagogical methods and the number of cycles of initial training. Short tertiary education comprises a single cycle, long tertiary education comprises two basic cycles. • Granularity The combination of the Bachelor's Studies Title and Master's Studies Title fields uniquely identifies each line of the dataset. Log Changes 2021-10-05 : Updating table structure, metadata and dictionary 2022-12-12 : Updated Geographic Coverage Metadata (Correction: Error "zero or more than one hit") 2022-12-14 : Updating data and correcting shells in the data dictionary 2024-12-11 : Updating of data and merging of Articles 114, 111 and 107







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