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The repository of higher education libraries includes all libraries associated with a higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB) and a series of information on their subjects. Link The library repository is associated with the repository of higher education institutions. Granularity The ID field uniquely identifies each row in the dataset. Source The data come from collections organized by the "Commission for Libraries and Collective Academic Services" (CBS). For more information on the CBS visit this page. Logs modifications 2022-02-24: Updating table structure and metadata 2022-04-19: Updating the table structure and metadata (1 line per library instead of 1 line per domain and per topic) 2022-04-20: Updating the map tooltip 2022-12-12: Updated Geographic Coverage Metadata (Correction: Error "zero or more than one hit") 2022-12-22: Addition of the data dictionary2023-01-27: Data Correction (ULB)
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