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This game contains the main indicators and variables available in the SATURN database. This is a simplified version of the 2 complete sets whose purpose is to facilitate the exploitation of data directly on the open data portal (via the graphical tool) as well as the downloading of data (in XLS format, the two complete sets exceed 5GB). The SATURN database is a database designed for statistical purposes that includes enrolments in non-university higher education (SHU) in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB). It is based on an annual collection and organized by ARES since 2014. During this collection, each institution transmits its information concerning the registrations of the current academic year as well as the results obtained by the students during the previous academic year. • Links The studies code makes it possible to make the link with the reference dataset of the studies. • Granularity This is an aggregated dataset. Each row represents a combination of modality for the different variables. • Source The data comes from the "SATURN" database. Log Changes 2022-08-25: creation of the game and addition of metadata 2022-10-06: Correction of the number of graduates in 2020-2021 2022-10-17: Correction of column title (legal domicile → implementation) + update of the title of the dataset 2022-12-12: Updated Geographic Coverage Metadata (Correction: Error "zero or more than one hit") 2022-12-14: Correction of shells in the data dictionary
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