ARES - Enrolment in higher education (excluding universities)

Agence du Numérique

The SATURN database is a database designed for statistical purposes that includes enrolments in non-university higher education (SHU) in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB). It is based on an annual collection and organized by ARES since 2014. During this collection, each institution transmits its information concerning the registrations of the current academic year as well as the results obtained by the students during the previous academic year. Before using the file, it is important to understand the notion of multiple registration used by the CO_INSMULT variable. A student can have several registrations in the same year, these are differentiated by a registration number. Thus, using this registration number equal to 1, we go from the number of registrations to the number of students. In order to guarantee the maximum anonymity of the persons listed in the database, certain measures have been taken: for higher schools of the arts, the information on the curriculum is limited to the category and field of study for fields informing a country, when there are less than 5 nationals of a country for a year, it is the continent which is indicated for the field indicating the postal code of the legal domicile, when there are less than 5 inhabitants of a municipality for a year, it is the region which is indicated for the field indicating the postal code of the legal domicile, when there are less than 5 inhabitants of a municipality for a year, it is the region which is indicated Finally, from the 2004-2005 academic year to the present, higher education has undergone many changes. For example, the studies included in the category "translation and interpretation" have been transferred from universities to universities and are therefore no longer included here. The same applies to the architecture category provided by higher architectural institutes before being integrated into universities. • Links The studies code makes it possible to make the link with the reference dataset of the studies. • Granularity This is an aggregated dataset. Each row represents a combination of modality for the different variables and an "Account" field indicates the number of entries corresponding to these modalities. • Source The data comes from the "SATURN" database. Log Changes 2021-04-19: correction of the dictionary (cell F183): ND -> Failure (undetermined) 2021-10-06: Updating the structure of the information section and dictionary 2022-08-24: Change the format of the academic year "XXYY" to "20XX-20YY" 2023-30-01: Transfer of the dataset to the ARES portal







File type

  • CSV
  • N3
  • BIN
  • JSON
  • TTL
  • XLSX

Geo Coverage




CC Attribution 4.0