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The groundwater level indicator gives a picture of the current rising height of groundwater compared to the past. The analysis of the elevation data is based on monthly level measurements by the VMM. This analysis means that, per level filter, the rise height of the last month is compared with the rise heights of that month in recent years. At the same time, it is determined whether there has been a relative increase or decrease between the penultimate and the last month. The data is processed in a map and a number of graphs. This gives an idea of how high or low the ascent height is compared to the same period in recent years and whether or not it is normalizing. Currently, only the phreatic aquifers are discussed. The level filters of the primary monitoring network with continuous series of measurements of 11 years or more and with an average climb height of 10 m-mv or less shall be retained for analysis. The rising heights of these level filters give the most accurate picture of recent climatic variations and these can be tested against a relatively long past. A new picture of the groundwater level indicator is compiled every month.
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