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This data is kept daily and is therefore always up to date Summary: The plans for construction are defined in the Urban Planning Act (Decree on Spatial Planning, coordinated on 22 October 1996); the regional plan, the general plan of construction (A.P.A.) and the special plan of construction (B.P.A.). A special plan of construction shall indicate, for the part of the municipal territory concerned: the existing situation; the detailed destination of different parts of the territory for habitation, industry, agriculture or any other use; the route of any changes to be made to the existing road network; rules on the location, size and prosperity of buildings and fences, as well as rules on courtyards and gardens. It may also indicate: rules on the construction and equipping of roads, strips free of construction and planting; places intended for the construction of green spaces, forest reserves, sports fields and cemeteries, as well as public buildings and monuments; if a land consolidation or reparcelling proves necessary, the boundaries of the new plots, stating that those boundaries may be changed by the aldermen's council with the approval of the Flemish Government. The regulations listed above may include property restrictions, including building bans. Where a regional, regional or general plan exists, the special plan shall conform to and supplement its instructions and provisions. It can deviate from it if necessary. Since the new Decree on Spatial Planning of 18 May 1999 (DRO), the former system of regional plan changes and BPAs has been replaced by the more flexible Spatial Implementation Plans (SIPs), which are drawn up by the 3 levels of authority, namely, municipality, province and region on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity, These plans are drawn up to implement the spatial structure plans and are therefore always drawn up from the perspective of a spatial structure plan, The latter are strategic policy plans that indicate for a certain planning period how the space of the territory concerned will be developed and managed, An RUP contains elements of destination, management and layout, This information is contained in urban planning regulations that apply to a piece of land and therefore have a spatial link (whether or not parcel-linked) The layer published here 'BPA-RUP-ground surface (current state)' is a digital vectorial version of the merged updated BPAs and RUPs for Antwerp and is best used in combination with the ferores of the original scanned analogue plans. The layer is part of a more extensive file composed of 9 layers, namely the BPA-RUP substrates, the overprints (in 2 layers based on whether or not geometrically accurate), the lines (in 2 layers based on whether or not geometrically accurate), the points (in 2 layers based on whether or not geometrically accurate), a layer for the possible sub-zones within the RUP and the BPA or RUP contour (part of the planning register) . Here, only the updated destination areas (the so-called 'ground colour' e.g., 'office zone') of the legally valid BPAs and RUPs are displayed and documented. This layer is by definition non-overlapping within the same BPA or RUP, (unlike the overprint layer which can contain overlapping parts). Structure lay according to directive on For the municipal RUPs of Antwerp, the main destination is chosen from the list in the RUPs manual. (Coloring is also based on this) Purpose: The destination contours serve to support spatial planning and advice in Antwerp at all policy levels. It is an important information layer in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the policy through spatial analysis, kartography, and automated file handling. Creation: Digitisation of the BPA destinations of the legally valid BPAs by means of scanned and georeferenced scans.Recent BPAs and Municipal RUPs are published in GIS format, The provincial and regional RUPs are required by decree in GIS supplied by the relevant government,
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