INSPIRE - Land use in Wallonia - WALOUS 2020 in Wallonia (BE)

Production géomatique et traitement de données (SPW - Secrétariat général - SPW Digital - Département Données transversales - Production géomatique et traitement de données)

This data layer includes the mapping of the land cover of the entire Walloon territory for the year 2020. The data is presented here in its INSPIRE compliant version. This dual dataset (raster/vector) includes the mapping of the land cover of the entire Walloon territory for the year 2020 (WAL_OCS_IA_2020). Land cover is defined as the "physical and biological cover of the land surface, including man-made areas, agricultural areas, forests, (semi-)natural areas, wetlands and water bodies" (European INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC, 2007). Information on land cover is provided, for both types of spatial representation, in the Belgian Lambert projection system 2008 (EPSG:3812 – For use in LB72, see information on grid NTV2 -…). The spatial resolution of the raster data is 1 m set on the INSPIRE grid of the Walloon Region. The vector data is directly derived from it. The only generalisation operation applied to the vector layer is the broken corner technique, which consists of joining the edge media of the border pixels to avoid a stair effect. The raster dataset with a resolution of 1m which includes, under 11 main classes, the mapping of the land cover of the entire Walloon territory for the year 2020. WAL_OCS_IA__2020 is derived from the segmentation predictions of a deep learning model trained on the 2018 data using WAL_OCS__2018 as field reality and a refined version of this data. The model is based on the four spectral bands of the 2020 orthophotos and the MNH (derived from the subtraction between the 2020 photogrammetric MNS and the MNT resulting from the 2013-2014 LiDAR acquisition). The model is the result of an agile and iterative approach with the project monitoring committee. The implementation of the WAL_OCS__2020 data is part of the WALOUS project (2017-2020) subsidised by the Walloon region and carried out by a consortium of two universities (UCLouvain, ULB) and a public research centre of the type UAP (ISSeP).

From / till

2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31


  • Environment
  • Regional

Geo Coverage


