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This layer of points locates the agglomerations of more than 2000 Equivalent Inhabitant (EH) in the Walloon Region. Article D.2 of the Water Code defines "agglomeration" as an area in which the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently concentrated for urban waste water to be collected and transported to a treatment plant or final discharge point. A sewerage agglomeration is defined as an area of population and economic activities already connected to a sewerage system (public collection network with or without a wastewater treatment plant). This area varies over time depending on changes in population and economic activities following the extension of the collection systems of which it is composed. All the areas served by the collection systems of the agglomeration form the overall collection area of the agglomeration. The perimeter of the sanitation agglomeration is the image of the current global collection area. A sewerage agglomeration must reflect the current situation and must therefore be demarcated without taking into account the areas not yet served which may in the future be connected, nor the forecasts of an increase in population or economic activity in the areas already served. The sewerage agglomeration is therefore defined at a specific date and its perimeter and size must therefore be updated periodically (annually for sewerage agglomerations of more than 2 000 Eh).
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