INSPIRE - Scope of River Contracts in Wallonia (BE)

Helpdesk carto du SPW (SPW - Secrétariat général - SPW Digital - Département Données transversales - Gestion et valorisation de la donnée)

INSPIRE compliant data describing the scope of action of River Contracts in Wallonia. The perimeters of action correspond to the geographical boundaries of the hydrographic sub-basins and define the area of competence of the River Contracts. Within these perimeters, the River Contracts carry out their missions with the support of their partner municipalities. The 14 Walloon River Contracts aim to federate and reconcile the views of all water stakeholders with a view, in particular, to promoting consistent implementation of the European Water Directives (Water Framework Directive, Flood Directive, etc.).



File type


Geo Coverage



  • AM.RiverContract