INSPIRE - Anonymous Agricultural Parcellary 2016 in Wallonia (BE)

Helpdesk carto du SPW (SPW - Secrétariat général - SPW Digital - Département de la Géomatique - Direction de l'Intégration des géodonnées)

This series of spatial data layers compile the information of the anonymous agricultural parcel (situation 2016) forming part of the INSPIRE theme "Soil use" and relating to the Walloon territory. The European Directive 2007/2/EC - INSPIRE Directive - establishes an infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community. INSPIRE applies to 34 thematic areas divided into 3 Annexes. This series includes the spatial data layers referring to land use (Annex 3.4). Within the meaning of the Directive, the theme "land use" covers "territories characterised by their intended functional dimension or their current and future socio-economic object (e.g. residential, industrial, commercial, agricultural, forestry, recreational)". The anonymous agricultural parcel (2016 situation) covers land use in agricultural and forestry areas managed as part of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy by the Paying Agency of Wallonia. The anonymous agricultural parcel represents the public version of the agricultural parcel. It therefore does not include personal information enabling the operator to be identified. It is provided on an annual basis. The data of a crop year shall be made available to the public in the course of the following year. This version is for the crop year (vintage) 2016. Anonymous agricultural parcels locate, in the form of polygons, the right-of-way of the agricultural parcels used and the main crop grown there, which does not preclude possible use in intercropping. This parcel is limited to Wallonia. The main crop grown on the agricultural parcels is labelled and symbolized by a flat colour scheme. The anonymous agricultural parcel is provided as an indication, and without any guarantee, both in terms of the limits and the information to be awarded. The boundaries of the parcels are based on an interpretation of the eligibility rules to be followed by the Paying Agency of Wallonia (OPW). They do not reflect property limits. In addition, the layer does not include any changes to the agricultural parcel resulting from subsequent adaptations required by the management rules, in particular in the context of appeals or judicial decisions. The reference point for the management of agricultural aid remains the agricultural parcel managed by the OPW. This reference is not publicly distributed.




  • Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Environment
  • Economy and Finance



File type


Geo Coverage



  • LU_ExistingLandUse_SIGEC2016