INSPIRE - Water level measuring stations for non-navigable rivers in Wallonia (BE)

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This data layer locates the main flow measurement stations, or limnigraphs, installed on non-navigable waterways. In order to better understand the management of watercourses, the Directorate of Non-navigable Watercourses (SPW - Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment - Department of Development, Rurality and Watercourses and Animal Welfare - Directorate of Non-navigable Watercourses) has developed over time a network of continuous measurements of water levels and flows covering all watersheds. It is one of two limnimetric measurement networks throughout Wallonia, the other being that operated by the Directorate of Hydrological Management (SPW - Mobility and Infrastructures - Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Expertise - Directorate of Hydrological Management) and part of the WACONDAH system (Water CONtrol DAta system for Hydrology and water management). Network management is divided into two main parts: measuring the water level and converting it into a flow rate. The correct functioning of the sensors measuring the water level shall be checked at least every two weeks on site and several times a week from the graphs. At least 10 gaugings per year shall be carried out for each measuring station in order to check the calibration curves. The data is automatically transferred to an Oracle database named AQUALIM.It contains information related to the stations (description, locality, etc.), the control visits carried out on the ground, hourly, daily, monthly and annual data, the history of the various floods, etc. Further information can be obtained via the website: Hydrometry in Wallonia - Height (







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Geo Coverage



  • EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility_SurfaceWater_Gauging