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This data layer includes the road segments in Wallonia that comply with the specifications of the INSPIRE Transport Network – Road sub-theme. The European Directive 2007/2/EC - INSPIRE Directive - establishes an infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community. INSPIRE applies to 34 thematic areas divided into 3 Annexes. This series includes the spatial data layers referring to transport networks (Annex 1.7). For the purposes of the Directive, transmission networks are: " Road, rail, air and waterway networks and associated infrastructure. This also includes connections between the different networks, as well as the trans-European transport network. The road transport network is traditionally composed of a structure in nodes (points) and segments (lines). This data layer represents the segments of the road transport network within Wallonia. The data layers that make up this series comply with the technical specifications defined by INSPIRE for the "Transport Network" theme.
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