INSPIRE - Urban regeneration in Wallonia (BE)

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This dataset includes the perimeters where urban revitalization operations are carried out in INSPIRE-compliant format. This compliant data is part of the Supplementary Regulation feature concept, i.e. any spatial object (point, line, polygon) of a spatial planning document that contains additional information and/or limitations on land/water use, necessary for spatial planning reasons or to formalise external rules defined in legislation. The concept of urban revitalization came to fruition in the early 1990s. Like urban renewal, revitalisation also aims to re-skill urban centres through housing and public space interventions. However, these are more targeted and ad hoc operations. Urban regeneration stems from the observation that private developers prefer to invest in housing outside urban centres or are hesitant to invest in it because the financial returns from operations would be lower or more uncertain. Revitalization operations within these perimeters are defined by CWATUPE as "aimed at the improvement and integrated development of housing, including trade and service functions, through the implementation of agreements involving the municipality and the private sector" (CWATUPE - Article 172). This is in fact an incentive for private investment to opt for an urban rather than a suburban location. The fundamental objective of the revitalisation of urban centres is therefore to enable municipalities to conclude agreements with private investors under which, if the investor agrees to locate his investment in an urban environment, the municipality undertakes to carry out a number of works aimed at the general improvement of the environment surrounding the investment. The region bears the costs incurred by the municipality. The perimeters where urban revitalization operations are carried out are the subject of this dataset. Each perimeter is uniquely identified. An Access database contains administrative information from the files. A hyperlink included as an attribute of each perimeter refers to an application allowing to have additional information on the perimeter in question.




  • Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Environment
  • Economy and Finance
  • Population
  • Regional



File type

  • WMS
  • JSON
  • GMZ
  • ATOM

Geo Coverage




CC Attribution 4.0