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Certain parcels with a low erosion sensitivity on the potential soil erosion map can nevertheless play an important role in soil erosion problems due to their specific location. For example, slightly sloping soils on top of a plateau (plateau soils) may be at the source of soil erosion on the parcels below because they generate run-off water. Valley soils, on the other hand, receive a lot of water from higher plots and can therefore be affected by severe soil erosion despite their intrinsically low erosion sensitivity. Such parcels can be classified as 'other erosion-related land' on request. These lots will then be assigned a code A. This makes it possible to conclude a management agreement on erosion control. This data layer contains the most recent demarcations of other erosion-related soils in the form of geographical units. The demarcation is independent of the annually changing parcel boundaries. All current and future parcels with very low to negligible soil erosion falling within the 'other erosion-related land' are automatically assigned the code A.
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