Price developments and public sector interest rates: achievements

FPS Finance… This table presents different indices and interest rates on an annual (Y) and monthly (M) basis. The annual change is given for the GDP deflator, the INPC and the health index on an annual basis. For the INPC and the health index on a monthly basis, the index is given in relation to the base year 2013. - The gross domestic product deflator (GDP deflator) is an indicator of price changes in the economy. It is calculated by dividing nominal gross domestic product by real GDP. The concept of "deflator" is defined as the number by which GDP must be corrected to obtain real GDP. For this variable, the deflator is calculated using real GDP (in millions of chain-linked euro (base year 2015) and adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects) and GDP at current prices (in millions of euro and gross data). - Consumer price index (or national consumer price index, INPC): the consumer price index is an economic indicator whose primary purpose is to measure, objectively, the evolution, over time, of the prices of a basket of goods and services purchased by households, and which is supposed to be representative of their consumption. - Health index: the health index is deducted from the consumer price index and has been published since January 1994. The present value of this index is obtained by subtracting certain products from the basket of the consumer price index, namely alcoholic beverages (purchased in shops or consumed in a café), tobacco and motor fuels (with the exception of the LPG). - Indicative rates for Belgian three-month treasury certificates issued on the secondary market: Cash certificates are short-term securities (up to a maximum of one year), denominated in euro and issued by auction. - Ten-year Linear Bond/Linear Bond (OLO) interest rate issued on the secondary market: yield on a government bond chosen by the monetary authorities as representative for a residual ten-year term (average rate of return).

From / till

2011-01-01 - 2024-10-31




  • Economy and Finance
  • Public Sector



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