School, Identity and Society Survey


The aim of this survey is to study the relationship between different forms of collective identification and intercultural relationships of Belgian students registered in urban secondary schools affiliated to both the Flemish and French educational systems. A multi-stage sampling frame was developed to reach variation in school contexts: first multicultural urban areas were identified and second heterogeneous schools within each city were randomly selected. The survey contains information on 64 schools situated in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia. The survey contains five main themes. The central theme is collective identity. In total six different identities were measured, namely the Belgian, regional and ethnic ones. Furthermore the connectedness with the religious identity was mapped as well as students’ identification with their school and track. A second central theme in the survey was the measurement of intergroup relationships. Four different aspects were mapped namely, stereotypes and prejudice towards ethnic outgroups, attitudes about language use at school and a comprehensive measure about school climate. Teaching practices from the point of view of students is the third central theme in the survey. A fourth central theme was mapping pupils experience and awareness of racism and discrimination. Lastly, psychological attributes such as students’ sense of futility, study involvement and self-esteem were included.





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