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Media documentation (video, audio) for the doctoral dissertation 'Brave Belgians of the Belle Epoque' (Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 2021). Section: horn solo. Documentation Reference Horns (JB 1-5, MDM, YM, BI) ‘Brave Belgians of the Belle Époque’ is an artistic case study that unravels the paradigm of a flourishing legacy of horn playing in Ghent at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. The rediscovery of this lost legacy was enabled by analysis of a comprehensive time capsule of related archival findings, historical instruments and repertoire. Findings were contextualized from the perspective of a modern-day performer, creating a practice- based framework that reflects musical performance and perception, artistic identity and the education of musicians, past, present and future. The result was comprised in a like-named doctoral dissertation to which these datasets are linked. This folder contains a dataset of audio and video and a sound bank material linked to reference horns of the 'Brave Belgians of the Belle Époque' dissertation and the likenamed documenting appendix: JB01: F. Van Cauwelaert 2-valve horn, c1880 JB02: F. Van Cauwelaert 3-valve horn, c1880 JB03: C. Mahillon 2-valve horn c1870 JB04: Wiener Produktiv Vienna horn, c1890 JB05: Courtois Frère natural horn, c1825 JB06: C.S. Willson double horn, 2010 JB07: Alphonse Sax Bb horn, c1865 YM01: Raoux-Millereau 3-valve horn ascending, c1900 MDM01: Mahillon & Cie 3-valve band horn, c1910 Copyright Jeroen Billiet - Ghent University & KASKConservatorium 2021 (2021-03-16)
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