DiF - Divorce in Flanders (ENG)/ SiV - Scheiding in Vlaanderen (NL)


Divorce in Flanders (NL: Scheiding in Vlaanderen) is a multi-actor panel study on relationships, causes and consequences of relationship dissolution, as experienced by (ex-)partners, new partners, children and parents. The currently available data is the result of the first wave of data collection, which took place between 2009 and 2011. There are currently two groups of datasets, distinguished by the anchor respondents to which they pertain. The first group, "married/divorced", is oriented around respondents who have either been married once and have never divorced, or have divorced once (and possibly remarried once) before 2009. Insofar possible, a face-to-face interview was conducted with both the anchor respondent and their (ex-)spouse, who is also an anchor respondent. Within this anchor relationship, one target child was selected. If living inside the household and over the age of 10, the child was also contacted for a face-to-face interview. If living outside the household and over the age of 18, the target child recieved a mail questionnaire. Similarly, one parent of each respondent in the anchor relationship received a mail questionnaire, as well as a new live-in partner of a divorced anchor respondent. This gives way to the following datasets concerning the "married/divorced" group: DiF1 - M&D - Anchors DiF1 - M&D - Children in HH DiF1 - M&D - Children outside HH DiF1 - M&D - Parents DiF1 - M&D - New partners Also available are three extra datasets. The first contains medatadata on the anchor relationship. The second combines all individual survey data (i.e. of the respondents listed above) and metadata on the anchor relationship. The third also combines all survey data, but distinguishes the anchor data, parent data and new partner data by gender of the anchor respondent. This is indicated by a leading M_ for male anchors and F_ for female anchors. No distinction is made for children, as only one child per relationship is questioned. The dataset also contains metadata on the anchor relationship. This gives way to the following extra datasets concerning the "married/divorced" group: DIF1 - M&D - Metadata anchor relationship DIF1 - M&D - All data (individual) + metadata DIF1 - M&D - All data (by gender) + metadata The second group, "recently partnered" is oriented around respondents who have either recently (i.e. 1.5 years prior to the sample selection) married or begun to cohabit. Insofar possible, a face-to-face interview was conducted with both the anchor respondent and their current spouse/partner, who is also an anchor respondent. One parent of each respondent in the anchor relationship also received a mail questionnaire. This gives way to the following datasets concerning the "recently partnered" anchor relationships: DiF1 - RP - Anchors DiF1 - RP - Parents Again, there are three extra datasets available. The first contains medatadata on the anchor relationship. The second combines all individual survey data (i.e. of the respondents listed above) and metadata on the anchor relationship. The third also combines all survey data, but distinguishes the anchor data and parent data by gender of the anchor respondent. This is indicated by a leading M_ for male anchors and F_ for female anchors. The dataset also contains metadata on the anchor relationship. This gives way to the following extra datasets concerning the "recently partnered" group: DIF1 - RP - Metadata anchor relationship DIF1 - RP - All data (individual) + metadata DIF1 - RP - All data (by gender) + metadata All DiF data is freely available to all interested parties in English and in Dutch, both within and outside of the scientific domain. After completion of the second wave (expected 2024), the collected data will also be made available here. Finally, also available are the codebooks of the various datasets. These are only available in English.





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