LiDAR Digital Altitude Model Flanders I, raw remote sensing data

Helpdesk Digitaal Vlaanderen

This dataset contains the LiDAR point clouds that were collected as part of the Digital Altitude Model Flanders I (DHMV I). The source data for the digital elevation model (DHM) Flanders was recorded in the period 2001 - 2004 via laser altimetry (LIDAR recordings). This source data contains the original LiDAR points belonging to both ground and non-ground level. The average density is 1 point per 4m2. The original files were originally delivered as raw ASCI x, y, z points lists, which were grouped separately by flight lane and by ground or non-ground class. Now the source data is offered in the LAS format via the data hosting services of the BeeldVerwerkingsKeten GDI-Vlaanderen (BVK) within the AIV program EODaS (Earth Observation Data Science). The LAS format allows the data to be divided into pens of 500 x 500 meters where the information of, among other things, the classification (ground level, class 1 and non-ground level / non-classified class 2), the flight lane numbering and the flight date is stored in the LAS format itself. This data is provided via the EODaS OpenLidar application, More background information can be found at…

From / till

2001-01-01 - 2004-09-09



Geo Coverage



  • D4FB9A60-C4D9-4F59-82AE-D0A6AA8303FA