Population density per ha - Flanders - State 2013

Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving

This map indicator gives an estimate of the number of inhabitants per hectare, adjusted per statistical sector. The dataset of the population describes the location and the number of inhabitants per address on the basis of a points file. This file is created by Informatie Vlaanderen (AIV) on the basis of data from the National Register. The locations of the addresses are determined by a geocoding of the addresses based on CRAB (CRAB population numbers version 0.1). The total number of inhabitants in Flanders according to this score is a slight underestimation compared to the actual number of inhabitants in Flanders as reported by the FPS Economy. This shortfall can be explained by the fact that the linking of the addresses from the National Register with CRAB could not be fully carried out (missing or unknown addresses in CRAB). For this difference, the dataset is corrected at the level of the statistical sectors based on the statistics of the number of inhabitants per statistical sector of Statbel. For this, the sum of the number of inhabitants is first made on the basis of the inhabitants per address point per sector. Subsequently, the factor of this sum relative to the reported number of inhabitants is calculated by Statbel. This factor is then applied to all residents points. For example, if in a given sector 5% fewer inhabitants are calculated on the basis of the number of inhabitants per address point relative to the statistics, the number of inhabitants will be increased by 5% at each point location. This corrected points file is then rescaled to a resolution of 1 ha by making the sum of the corrected number of inhabitants per address for each hectare cell. This geodata layer was replaced in 2021 by a revised version for condition 2013, in order to remain in line with the adjusted method used in the layout of condition 2019. For more details about the creation of this product and the corresponding figures, please refer to the technical report 'Indicators Spatial Efficiency, condition and evolution 2013-2019 - technical data sheets' that can be found under https://archief-algemeen.omgeving.vlaanderen.be/xmlui/handle/acd/762878




  • Population
  • Regional

File type

  • WFS
  • WMS
  • GML

Geo Coverage



  • bc6d6c33-05fb-429f-b565-6fd6a988a464
  • https://metadata.omgeving.vlaanderen.be/srv/resources/datasets/bc6d6c33-05fb-429f-b565-6fd6a988a464


Open Data License Flanders