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The product ‘Cadastral parcel plan Flanders, fiscal situation 01/01/2024’ contains CadGIS data of Flanders, for the fiscal situation, valid on 1 January 2024. CadGIS is the new form in which the Cadastral parcel plan is offered by the General Administration of Heritage Documentation (AAPD). The annual update of the cadastral plot plan to the legal situation of 1 January is made available as CadGIS fiscal and is in this sense the successor of CADMAP. The cadastral plot plan is the graphic representation and collection on a plan of all cadastral plots of land in the territory. It is one of the datasets of the geographical information system of the patrimony documentation. The dataset consists of the following layers: easements and footpaths, toponym lines, cadastral parcel blocks, cadastral buildings, cadastral plan parcels, materials and equipment, buildings (managed by the region), water surfaces, cadastral parcel numbers, property boundary poles, toponym points. Digitaal Vlaanderen has acquired the rights to make CadGIS van Vlaanderen available to the participants in GDI-Vlaanderen and to network operators of physical distribution networks as referred to in the GRB Decree.
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