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This dataset series collects map layers, vector maps and grids, derived from the Soil Map of Belgium and from the Geogological 3D model (G3Dv3) and from the Hydrogeological 3D Model of Flanders (H3Dv2). These maps show where there are potential layers that can potentially behave plastically (swelling and/or shrinking) in the soil (upper 1.25m) or deeper in the underlying geological layers. Currently only clay, silt and loam are mapped. Glauconite admixture in sands can potentially also have an influence on the plastic behaviour of soils, but no specific map material is yet collected for this. Peat in the soil and subsoil can also have an influence on terrain declines in drought. Terrain research must always show whether there is effectively clay or loam in the soil or subsoil, and to what extent this must be taken into account for the use of this soil or when building on or in this soil.
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