H3O-De Kempen - Geology - Support centres for geological units

Vlaamse overheid, Departement Omgeving, Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving (VPO)

Support points are fictitious drilling points that are combined with the drilling points during interpolation to control the depth or thickness course so that a logical spatial course is obtained. Support stations are mainly used in areas with too low a density of drilling points. The location of a fulcrum and the corresponding depth or thickness of the unit are often estimated on the basis of area knowledge but can also be based, for example, on interpretations from probes. Support centres is a map layer that is part of the dataset 'H3O-De Kempen - Geology'.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

From / till

2015-05-01 - 2017-11-01


  • Environment
  • Science and Technology
  • Regional

File type


Geo Coverage



  • 966060fc-61aa-4227-879d-c8eee7fe4116
  • https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/geonetwork/srv/resources/seriess/966060fc-61aa-4227-879d-c8eee7fe4116