Flow map DHMVII (difference map fills)

Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving

The flow maps with single and multiple streamlines show the lines in the landscape where the water flows potentially concentrated after a rain shower, taking into account the topography and the watercourses present. The colorization shows the size of the catchment area to the pixel per pixel of 5m*5m (in ha). These flow maps are based on the Digital Height Model (DHM) and the Flemish Hydrographic Atlas (VHA). The calculation algorithm is applied to an edited version of the DHMVII, eliminating local depressions. The flow direction in these areas is therefore unreliable. In practice, there will often be a crossing. This difference chart shows the difference between the original DHMVII and the edited version.


  • Environment
  • Science and Technology
  • Regional


Not planned

File type

  • WMS
  • KML
  • WCS

Geo Coverage





Open Data License Flanders