Atlas of Neighbourhoods

Helpdesk Digitaal Vlaanderen

Overview of the historical versions (1843 - 1845) of the overview plans and detailed plans of the Atlas der Buurtwegen van Vlaanderen.De Atlassen der Buurtwegen were drawn up in implementation of the law of 10 April 1841. In 1841, the legislature wanted to indicate unambiguously which small roads had a public character. The aim was therefore to make an inventory of all "public" roads and "private roads with public easement". The atlas distinguishes between neighbourhood roads and pedestrian roads (sentiers). Footways are narrow roads (sometimes only 1 meter wide) and the bed usually belongs to the landed.In the period 1843-1845 layers, public registers, of the neighborhood roads were drawn up for all municipalities. These have gone down in history as Atlases der Buurtwegen. An atlas was drawn up for each municipality at the time, with the exception of a number of city centres. An atlas is composed of overview plans, detailed plans and tables. Overview plans are one or more plans of the atlas municipality in question indicating the outlines of sub-areas, which are numbered; the numbering of the sub-areas refers to the number of the detailed plan; The scale in which the overview plans are drawn up is usually 1/10,000. Detail plans are usually drawn up on a map scale of 1/2,500; in some cases they are formatted on a different scale, e.g. in urban centres and rural areas). The tables included in the atlases contain the road characteristics, the number of the neighbourhood road, the length, the area ...-, tables of the owners of the landed parcels, tables of land take-up. All overview and detail plans of the Atlases of Neighbourhood Roads as they were drawn up at the time were scanned and georeferenced and mosaiced into an overview for the whole of Flanders. The tables are not included in this dataset. Nor are changes (abolitions, reclassifications, reverse charge) approved by the deputation included in this dataset.

From / till

1843-01-01 - 1845-12-31





File type


Geo Coverage



  • 89880c7a-a65b-431a-8871-b3052e4824b8