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The key indicator reports the number of children under the age of 18, none of whose parents has an income from work, to the total number of children under the age of 18, as at 31 December. As soon as a parent is “occupied” according to the socio-economic classification, the child is considered to be living in a household with income from work. Children from households for which it is not known whether there is income from work (no working parent and socio-economic position of one or both parents = “other”) are not taken into account in the calculation (approximately 10% of the under-18s known to the BCSS). People who are not known to the Belgian social security (e.g.: diplomats and outgoing cross-border workers) fall into the "other" category. See also: - The nomenclature of socio-economic positions on the website of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security "[\2](\1)".
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