%(E)RIS 18-64 years - men

François Ghesquiere

The Social Integration Income (RIS) is a minimum income allocated by the CPAS to people who do not have sufficient resources and cannot claim them and who are unable to obtain them, either by their personal effort or by other means. The Social Integration Income Equivalent (ERIS) is financial assistance granted by the CPAS within the framework of the Right to Social Assistance (Law of 2 April 1965 on the assumption of responsibility for assistance granted by public social assistance centres) to persons who, for specific reasons (e.g. nationality), do not qualify for the right to social integration. The amounts are identical to those of the RIS. The key indicator here is based on data from Statbel. It estimates on 1 January of the year, for 18-64 year-olds, the number and share of people who received (E)RIS at least once in the previous year. Two differences can be identified between this indicator and the indicator estimating the share of RIS beneficiaries based mainly on SPP-IS data (indicator 8321000). On the one hand, the Statbel-based indicator has higher rates because it is enough for a person to have received €1 of RIS in the previous year to be taken into account in the numerator, whereas the municipal indicator is an annual average of the situations of each month. Thus, the Statbel indicator estimates the number of all persons who have benefited from a RIS at least once during the year, while the SPP-IS indicator estimates the average number of persons using the RIS each month. On the other hand, the Statbel indicator is based on the place of residence of the beneficiary, whereas the municipal indicator estimates the number of RIS paid by each CPAS. In certain situations, it is possible to use a CPAS different from that of the municipality where you are domiciled. This is the case for students who do not change CPAS, even if their home changes municipality.





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