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These are locally established associations whose aim is to foster the development of critical, active and responsible citizenship, mainly among young people aged 12 to 26, through an awareness and knowledge of the realities of society, attitudes of responsibility and participation in social, economic and cultural life. The Youth Houses and Centres, Meeting and Accommodation Centres and Youth Information Centres are distinguished by their respective purposes: - Youth Houses and Centres, local reception centres, carry out cultural, recreational and sporting activities by and for young people. Their founding principle is based on the participation of young people in the programming and implementation of actions and in consultation and decision-making structures. - Meeting and accommodation centres, which welcome young people in groups or individually, organise residential activities of limited duration and promote encounters between groups and individuals who attend them, as well as openness to the local community. - the Youth Information Centres have the task of promoting young people's ownership of information and information tools, with a view to pluralism, independence and completeness (definition based on Focus 2012, p52 see metadata sheet). The key indicator gives an overall number regardless of the category(ies). Details (by category is available in the data file).
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