Strategic noise map - 2011 - important and complementary roads - Lden - contours

Beleidsontwikkeling en juridische ondersteuning

Strategic road traffic noise map with more than 3 million vehicle passages per year according to RL 2002/49/EC, together with impact of additional roads. The reference year of these dates is 2011. The sound card indicates how much noise the environment is exposed to. The noise level is expressed in the parameter Lden. The Lden level is a weighted annual average sound pressure level over the course of the day at which evening and night levels are relatively heavier, which corresponds to the finding that noise pollution is generally perceived as more annoying in the evening and at night. European research therefore shows that a Lden is a relatively good predictor of the extent to which local residents may experience nuisance.These noise maps are updated every 5 years. The strategic noise maps with reference years 2006, 2011 and 2016 were calculated using an old calculation method. As of the strategic noise maps with reference year 2021, a new calculation method was used. This is a new common European calculation method that is mandatory for all Member States as of the mapping exercise with reference year 2021. Because this calculation method differs from that used in previous mapping rounds, it is not appropriate to compare the results of reference year 2021 with previous editions (2006, 2011 and 2016). It cannot be ruled out that differences in calculated exposure are solely due to the application of this new calculation method and do not result from increased or reduced exposure.