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The indicator gives the number of social mortgages granted during the year. The Société wallonne de crédit social (SWCS) and the Fonds du logement des familles nombreuses de Wallonie (FLW) are particularly competent to grant mortgage loans at advantageous rates to households with modest conditions. It is the composition of the household that determines the competent body. If the household has at least three dependent children*, the application is processed by the FLW, otherwise by the SWCS. In the case of social loans, the rates charged are lower than in the traditional banking market. They also apply more flexible conditions in terms of the amount borrowed and income. They are fixed by scales which depend for the FLW on the composition and income of the household, and for the SWCS on the level of income and the amount borrowed. This policy of social loans reflects the willingness of the public authorities to help households with modest conditions to access real estate ownership. See also: - the "[\2](\1)" site, in particular to find out how dependent children are accounted for: - the site of the "[\2](\1)".
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