Atlas der Buurtwegen Limburg

Antea Group

By the law of April 10, 1841, the municipalities were obliged to draw up an Atlas der Buurtwegen. As a result, 197 atlases were drawn up in the province of Limburg. These atlases consist mainly of two hatches: on the one hand, the plans of the neighbourhood roads and, on the other hand, tables describing these roads and the neighbouring owners. There are two copies of these atlases in each case, which are respectively present in each municipality and at the provincial government. The atlases have a legally valid character and as such are regularly consulted in the context of the law on local roads. In addition to administrative authorities, historians, archaeologists, architects, surveyors, engineering firms, etc. make fairly frequent use of these atlases. It is also an interesting basis for assigning historical street names, the identification of mills, castles, pedigree research,...

From / till

1841-04-10 - 1846-01-01






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