Grids thermal conductivity (Lambda) (minimum mean)

Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving

The thermal conductivity maps of the Flemish subsurface, commissioned by the Department of Land and Soil Protection, Subsurface and Natural Resources, give the thermal conductivity of the Flemish subsurface to a depth of 100m or to the solid rock. These maps are grid maps (grids) that represent the minimum average thermal conductivity of the Flemish subsurface in cells of 100 by 100m. The minimum average thermal conductivity over a depth of 100 meters is 1.6 W/mK.

From / till

2004-04-01 - 2011-08-01


  • Energy
  • Science and Technology
  • Regional

File type

  • WMS
  • KML
  • GeoTIFF
  • WCS

Geo Coverage



Open Data License Flanders